Lord el-melloi ii case files anime
Lord el-melloi ii case files anime

lord el-melloi ii case files anime

  • Familiars: As expected from a specialist in Zoology, he has the ability to summon monstrous spectral rabbits to consume electricity and attack people.
  • Born in the Wrong Century: Waver points out that a hundred years ago Davenant might've just been an ordinary mage, but modern technology has made his actions far too obvious, and far too easy for muggles to discover.
  • And he's ultimately arrested for threatening to break the Masquerade rather than for all the lives he's claimed.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Demonstrates the typical magus viewpoint of believing human lives are worth nothing other than as fuel to reach the Root.
  • Voiced by: Yutaka AoyamaA member of the Zoology department competing for a vacant position after one of its members is assassinated. By dismembering himself and arranging his body parts in accordance with the orbits of the planets Ernest became a revenant in the hopes of attaining immortality.
  • Suicide, Not Murder: Waver quickly deduces that the culprit of the murder of Ernest Fargo is none other than the man himself.
  • The mystery of his murder is centered around the positioning of his organs in alignment with the classical planets (i.e., including the Sun and Moon, and excluding Uranus and Neptune).

    lord el-melloi ii case files anime

    Star Power: As a branch member of the Animusphere family his magical specialty is in Astromancy, and the design of his family mansion is designed to reflect the heavens.


    Offing the Offspring: Attempted to consume his daughter Mary as a ghost to achieve full immortality.Godhood Seeker: Desired to become akin to a god within the domain of his mansion using the ritual.Bad Boss: Waver suspects that he was physically abusive towards his maid Claire.Abusive Parents: Saw his daughter as nothing more than his personal property and marked her hand to keep her trapped in the manor.Voiced by: Hideyuki UmezuAstromancer and head of the Fargo family branch of the Animuspheres. Small Name, Big Ego: Dropped out because he felt the Clock Tower didn't appreciate his talents enough, but Waver figures it's because he's a pretty crappy magus to begin with.Magic Eye: Has the basic Mystic Eye ability to immobilize people with his eyes.Gory Discretion Shot: The last shot we see of him is right before a group of evil spirits converge upon him.But he lacks Waver's strong morals or post- Character Development humility, gleefully takes advantage of others instead of relying on his own efforts, and treats Alexander's legacy as something to exploit instead of respect, which are what put him in conflict with Waver. Foil: Like Waver he's a mediocre magus who left the Clock Tower looking for fame and acknowledgement, and aims to achieve it with the help of Alexander the Great.Desecrating the Dead: Barzan's goal is to break into Alexander the Great's tomb using slave labor to raze it for relics.Con Man: Got as far as he did by tricking lots of people into coming to Babylon with various excuses.

    lord el-melloi ii case files anime

    The will of the previous owner states that the assembled contestants-including Luviagelita Edelfelt-must compete in a game of wits to win the castle.A rogue magus looking to use the tomb of Alexander the Great to achieve renown as a magus. But they are not the only ones called that way. When Lord El-Melloi II, the later Waver Velvet, gets asked to claim his inheritance over Adra Castle, he travels there with his apprentice Gray to do so.

    Lord el-melloi ii case files anime